Sunday, September 13, 2009

Live for the Moment

Live every moment of life as if its your last,
bcoz even before you are sure, it just flies past you so fast.
and once that moment is past,
its always referred to as past.
Like a wave forms and flows away,
time is like the grains of sand, it doesnt wait for us, it holds sway.
Grasp each moment, you own it,
make sure each day of yours is brightly lit.
Dark times will sometimes engulf you,
make sure that these moments in time are very few.
There is much more to life than living it plainly,
there are a lot of things we can do to lead life merrily.
Dream to dare, dare to dream,
laugh your heart out, scream till your lungs hurt; scream!!!
Dont let life's path lead you on a boring tangent,
live life fully, live for the moment.